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About Firestone Park Elementary

  • Firestone Park has a one-of-a-kind campus that includes a historical park, community center, public library and elementary school.
  • Teachers have an average of 18 years of experience; 78 percent hold a master's degree or higher.
  • Every student has access to a Chromebook.
  • Firestone Park Elementary has a strong partnership with the GPD Group.
  • Firestone Park has a full-time climate coach
  • Firestone Park has part-time family liaison

Firestone Park Programs:

  • Firestone Park encourages the performing arts. A select choir offers advanced instruction in vocal music.
  • Title 1, speech therapy, special education and OhioReads tutors are offered.
  • "Ram Pride" promotes individual improvement in academics and character.
  • Firestone Park is proud to work closely with the Foster Grandparent Program.
  • Firestone Park hosts the Girl Scouts Program.
Firestone Park Elementary School

History of Firestone Park Elementary School


Constructed: 1917
Opened: 1919
Annexed by the city of Akron in 1916

At the turn of the century, five men met to organize a company which would become one of the most prosperous and well-known in the world — the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Shortly thereafter, 1,000 acres of land southeast of the factory were purchased and set aside for a residential development to be called Firestone Park. It was the wish of Harvey S. Firestone, founder of the company, to provide an area which would meet the spiritual, educational and recreational needs of the plant workers. In 1917,  one year after the area had been annexed to the city of Akron, he deeded land to the Board of Education for a school — Firestone Park. Throughout his life, Firestone enjoyed visiting the school and donating many items to it.